in the capital market. Company is expected the abundant beneficiary from his investment. Prior the establishment of Prime Road Group, He was a senior legal officer at Stock Exchange of Thailand and
. Prior the establishment of Prime Road Group, He was a senior legal officer at Stock Exchange of Thailand and then moved to Baker and McKenzie, which he was selected as one of the youngest Legal Partner
. Prior the establishment of Prime Road Group, He was a senior legal officer at Stock Exchange of Thailand and then moved to Baker and McKenzie, which he was selected as one of the youngest Legal Partner
can cope with potential economic uncertainties in a timely and efficient manner, KBank emphasizes big data analytics for predictive integrated risk management (IRM) through the establishment of
management through the establishment of principles and policies for management of all risks, effective capital management and creation of a culture of risk awareness organization-wide. All these efforts are
shares. • The company notified the Stock Exchange of Thailand in regards to the establishment of BBGI Utility and Power Co., Limited, which 100% of its shares held by BBGI Public Company Limited (The
on predictive risk management through the establishment of principles and policies for management of all risks, effective capital management and creation of a culture of risk awareness organization
Establishment and Implementation of the Asia Region Funds Passport ขอ้ 8 ในกรณีท่ีบริษทัจดัการกองทุนรวมยืน่ค าขอผ่อนผนัหรือค าขอรับ ความเห็นชอบใดตามประกาศน้ีมาพร้อมกบัค าขออนุมติัจดัตั้งกองทุนรวม ส านกังานจะ
of Cooperation on the Establishment and Implementation of the Asia Region Funds Passport (3) กรณีเป็นหน่วยลงทุนของกองทุนรวมที่มุ่งเนน้ลงทุนแบบมคีวามเส่ียงต่างประเทศ ตามประกาศการลงทุนซ่ึงมิใช่กองทุนรวม
รวมภายใต้โครงการ Asia Region Funds Passport โดยต้องจัดการลงทุนและปฏิบัติให้เป็นไปตาม Annex 3 : Passport Rules ของ Memorandum of Cooperation on the Establishment and Implementation of the Asia Region