accruing from the assets under (a) to (c), for example, right to dividend or interest, right to purchase capital increase shares and right to attend and vote at a meeting of securities holders, etc. (2
accruing from the assets under (a) to (c), for example, right to dividend or interest, right to purchase capital increase shares and right to attend and vote at a meeting of securities holders, etc. (2
characteristics: (1) a company related to an intermediary by shareholding structure, either directly or indirectly, more than fifty percent of the total number of shares sold; (2) a company related to an
from voting. 5.3.3 Amount or percentage of shares for which the Institutional Investor will not exercise its voting rights. 48 5.3.4 Decision-making on identification of “important matters” for active
capital market products which are shares or share warrants of a company wherein the client is an existing shareholder as of the investment date or the date of obtaining the shareholders’ rights; (4) a
invest in capital market products which are shares or share warrants of a company wherein the client is an existing shareholder as of the investment date or the date of obtaining the shareholders’ rights
invest in capital market products which are shares or share warrants of a company wherein the client is an existing shareholder as of the investment date or the date of obtaining the shareholders’ rights
ทีเ่สนอขายภายในวนัที ่31 ตุลาคม 2561 Silom Road Limited เป็น บรษิทัทีจ่ ากดัความรบัผดิโดยหุน้ (company limited by shares) ทีจ่ดัตัง้ขึน้ใน The British Virgin Islands (BVI) และมนีาย Peh Pit Tat สญัชา
Q1/18 Q2/18 Q3/18 Q4/18 Sales Revenue Net Profit Unit: Million Baht หน้า 2 2. ภาพรวมเศรษฐกจิและตลาดน า้ผลไมพ้รอ้มดืม่ภายในประเทศ ใ น ไ ต ร ม า ส 4 / 2 5 6 1 ต ล า ด น ้ า ผ ล ไ ม ้พ ร ้อ ม ดื่ ม ภายใน
/17 Sales Revenue Net Profit Unit: Million Baht Premium Market (100% RTD Fruit Juice) 5,054MB 38% Medium Market (40- 99% RTD Fruit Juice) 1,254MB 9% Economy Market (20- 39% RTD Fruit Juice) 2,771MB 21