Hedge Fund business will be ceased from 1Q19 onwards. Asset Management Business Phatra Asset Management Co., Ltd. (“PASSET”), under mutual fund and private fund management licenses, offers fund
2562 กมุภำพนัธ์ ลงนำมในสญัญำร่วมทนุสญัญำที่สำมกบั Tokyo Tatemono Asia Pte. Ltd. (“TTA”) เพื่อพฒันำโครงกำร คอนโดมิเนียมระดบัอลัตร้ำลกัชวัร่ีส์ ในซอยสขุมุวิท 38 ใกล้สถำนีรถไฟฟำ้บีทีเอส ทองหลอ่ ซึง่คำดวำ่จะ
signed in 2019 for 15 MW. WHA Water Co.,Ltd, a subsidiary of WHAUP had signed a 15-year contract for demineralized water sales to Global Power Synergy Public Company Limited (GPSC) with capacity of 6,000
Thailand (BOI) on investment promotion of Index Interfurn Co., Ltd. (“IDF”) which is the Company’s subsidiary since the beginning of 2019. Net Profit and Net Profit Margin For the three-month period ended 30
(Thailand) Co.,ltd. ,who is the marketing and sale force for the company and its subsidiaries and joint venture, by holding 49 percent of total shares. As for the period of three months ended 30th June 2019
ษิัท BCP Trading Pte. Ltd. และส่วนแบ่งจำกเงินลงทุนในบริษทั บงกช มำรีน เซอร์วิส จ ำกดั 2/ หมำยถึง ธุรกจิกำรตลำดของบริษัท บำงจำกฯ บรษิัท บำงจำกกรีนเนท จ ำกัด และบรษิัท บำงจำก รเีทล จ ำกัด และกำรรบัรูส้่วน
management of Carnival Magic is required to contact Cherdchai Wan Co., Ltd., who has experience in the hydraulic platform for lifting passenger cars and get the engineering system to complete the production
Directors approved Eye On Ads Company Limited (“Eye On Ads”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of MACO, to acquire 81.65% of Trans.Ad Solutions Co., Ltd. (“Trans.Ad”) with a total investment value of THB 388mn
percent of the shares, i.e. Nation Global Edutainment Co., Ltd., engaging in the production and distribution of cartoon books, the fund will be used as working capital of Baht 30.00 million; 3. For the
associate In April 2009, the Company invested in the ordinary shares of Mory Lohakit (Thailand) Co.,ltd. ,who is the marketing and sale force for the company and its subsidiaries and joint venture, by holding