interest that did occur. Example 4 : The confirmations of independence and written conflict of interest declarations did not cover staff’s family and did not provide guidance to staff through examples of
สงคในระดับองคกร (Entity Level Objective) ที่มีความ สอดคลองตามแผนกลยุทธขององคกร ซ่ึงกําหนดโดยผูบริหารระดับสูงขององคกร 2.2 กําหนดวัตถุประสงคในระดับกิจกรรม (Activity Level Objective) ที่รองรับแผน
assist stakeholders in coping with and getting through this crisis. Furthermore, when the government declared a state of emergency and introduced strict measures for preventing the spread of COVID-19
directors of the Company in any matters, the Company will further inform the shareholders and general invertors through the Stock Exchange of Thailand (the “SET”). Before the Allocation and Offering of the
exceeding six experts appointed through nomination in accordance with Section 31/7 as commissioners, among whom there shall be at least one legal expert, one accounting expert and one financial expert. The
amendment by the Securities and Exchange Act (No. 6) B.E. 2562 5 four but not exceeding six experts appointed through nomination in accordance with Section 31/7 as commissioners, among whom there shall be at