department director to the manager; “department director” means any person who is responsible for the internal operation of a department in the company; “manager” means a person appointed by the board of
, to be approved by the Board or Committee of the securities company, on the following issues: (1) the effective system of internal control and system to prevent conflict of interest; (2) risk management
securities company shall have a code of conduct in writing, to be approved by the Board or Committee of the securities company, on the following issues: (1) the effective system of internal control and system
Debenture $B 1 ST Loan 12 Table 9 :IVL Consolidated Statement of Income *The total amount of IRSL was excluded from Core Financials 2Q19, but was consolidated all in Core Financials 3Q19 1 As per internal
Indorama Ventures 2nd Quarter 2020 MD&A 13 Table 7: IVL Consolidated Statement of Income *2Q19 Core Financials exclude IRSL 1 As per internal classification and includes insurance claim for business
Consolidated Statement of Income 1 As per internal classification and includes insurance claim for business interruption loss of profit 2 As per internal classification and includes depreciation and amortization
or Committee of the securities company, on the following issues: (1) the effective system of internal control and system to prevent conflict of interest; (2) risk management system to prevent damage
. Annually screen and monitor all companies in the portfolio for deforestation and conversion performance to ensure that all relevant companies are not breaching deforestation-specific internal policies
(management override of internal controls) การเปลี่ยนแปลงข้อมูลในรายงานที่สำคัญ การได้มาหรือใช้ไปซึ่งทรัพย์สินโดยไม่ถูกต้อง เป็นต้น 8.2 บริษัทได้ทบทวนเป้าหมายการปฏิบัติงานอย่างรอบคอบ โดยพิจารณาความเป็นไปได้ของ
barely changed yoy. Cash and cash equivalent decreased 19% due to the spending of some internal cash flow to acquire the remaining shares of the subsidiary in 1Q’18. Trade receivable increased because of