that I have received and understand the prospectus, Fund details and any related documents for the subscription of investment units from the management company. I acknowledge the disclaimer and any
that I have received and understand the prospectus, Fund details and any related documents for the subscription of investment units from the management company. I acknowledge the disclaimer and any
institution as the highest rank persons with managerial authority who are capable of management, ethical, honest, understand and responsible for business undertaking; (4) having determined clear scope of
made to disclose information and the vision of the management in order to assist investors to better understand the company's financial status and operation. It also supports the "Good Corporate
บวนการในการให้บริการ wealth advice แบบครบวงจร 5 กระบวนการ ดังนี้ (1) การส ารวจและรู้จักตัวตนของลูกค้า (explore & understand) การตรวจสุขภาพทางการเงิน เพ่ือให้ได้มาซ่ึงข้อมูลที่เพียงพอเก่ียวกับระดับ ความ
าเตือนและการเปดิเผยในเรื่องต่างๆ (เช่น ความเส่ียงที่ ส าคัญของกองทุน เป็นต้น) เป็นอย่างดีแล้ว I hereby confirm that I have received and understand the prospectus, Fund details and any related
safety and hygiene standards, including physical distancing, safety and hygiene and contactless in restaurants and hotels, by training staff to understand the New Normal or the new standard in response to
) was made to disclose information and the vision of the management in order to assist investors to better understand the company's financial status and operation. It also supports the "Good Corporate
, underwriters, arrangers, placement agents and others may use to understand the characteristics of any given Green Bond. The GBP emphasise the required transparency, accuracy and integrity of the information that
and the related impact, and timing of such impact, on the bond’s financial and/or structural characteristics; and • any information enabling investors to understand the time horizon of an SPT in