of the Company Cannot be calculated as there is no share issuance Calculation details of the transaction size of the investment in Target Group Hotels and Resorts Basis of calculation Transaction size
Bank and its Subsidiaries Million Baht Item Quarter Change (%) 1/2019 4/2018 1/2018 4/2018 1/2018 Net profit * 9,028 8,101 9,005 11.4% 0.3% Earnings per share (Baht) 4.73 4.24 4.72 11.4% 0.3% Net
retained earnings under the Company's financial statement, to the shareholders, at an amount totaling THB 500,000,000 at the rate of THB 0.50 per share and set the record date on August 23, 2019; and to pay
เงินปัน ผลรับตามปกติ (Noramalized Share of Profit from Investment iin Associates and Joint Ventures and Dividend) มีจ านวน 518.6 ลา้นบาท เพ่ิมข้ึน ร้อยละ 18.1 เม่ือเทียบกบัไตรมาส 3 ปี 2560 รายละเอียดของ
นทรัพยภ์าษีเงินไดร้อตดับญัชี - (71.2) -100.0% การปรับปรุงบญัชีเก่ียวกบัรายไดจ้ากสญัญาท่ีท ากบัลูกคา้ (TFRS 15) - 551.6 -100.0% ส่วนแบ่งก าไรจากการลงทุนตามปกต ิ(Normalized Share of Profit) 1,536.6
Common Share 31/08/2021 100,000 5.00 Sale Link FINANSIA SYRUS SECURITIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED (FSS) Mr. KUNTRA LADAVALYA NA AYUDHYA Reporter Common Share 03/12/2021 205,100 6.10 Sale Link Last updated on
Share 02/06/2020 30,000 9.25 Sale Link GLOBAL GREEN CHEMICALS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED (GGC) Mrs. KANNIKA NGAMSOPEE Reporter Common Share 27/03/2019 20,000 - Transfer Link Last updated on 19 January 2023
share capital 5,088.0 5,088.0 - - Share Premium 3,896.0 3,896.0 - - Retained earnings - Legal Reserved 26.0 - 26.0 N.A. (>100) Retained earnings - Unappropriated 3,005.7 1,831.9 1,173.8 64.1 Deficit from
LIMITED (JAS) Mr. YODHIN ANAVIL Reporter Common Share 23/11/2020 1,000,000 Revoked by Reporter 3.30 Sale Link JASMINE INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED (JAS) Mr. YODHIN ANAVIL Reporter Common Share 23/11
(NPK) Mrs. CHAMNEAN CHOKVATHANA Reporter Common Share 08/03/2021 20,500 Revoked by Reporter 15.10 Purchase Link NEW PLUS KNITTING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED (NPK) Mrs. CHAMNEAN CHOKVATHANA Reporter Common