limited only to major investors or high net worth investors.The guidelines proposed by SEC for supervision and encouragement of such business cover 4 key points as follows:1. The process for wealth
30 August 2017.** Investment Consultant of Complex Products Type 1 is approved to give investment advice on non-complex capital market products as well as all types of high-risk or complex products
draft guidelines of the Association that has been approved by SEC*. The guidelines contains details on :1) preparation of the service model responsible by a high-ranking executive officer; 2
Company Limited Factsheet Information as of XX XX XXXX ABCD Mutual Fund Unit Class SRI Fund Class code Type of mutual fund / Peer group of mutual funds Risk Level Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 High Risk Profile
anticipated) using recognized methodologies and frameworks, such as NZIF, SBTi and TSP for setting, assessing, reporting, and verifying performance. Set decarbonization targets for all high-emitting sectors
below the target mainly due to on-going cautious household spending due to high household debts and slow economic recovery. Furthermore, the number of restaurants continued to increase from both existing
declining of revenue which because of the high market competitive in the competitor and pricing and also the slowdown of the turnkey project’s customer. Selling Expenses, Administrative Expenses and Other
เสริมก าลงัของยางรถยนต์ และวสัดพุิเศษส าหรับใช้งานเฉพาะด้าน ทัง้นี ้ โรงงานของ DuraFiber แหง่ นีม้ีก าลงัการผลติ PET High Modulus Low Shrinkage (PET HMLS), PET Heavy Denier Industrial (PET HDI) และ
ส่วนของบริษัทใหญ่มีการตดิตัง้เครื่องจักรใหม่ตลอดทัง้ปี 2559 ท าใหม้ีก าลังการผลติเพิ่มมากขึน้ ตามล าดับ ทัง้ในสว่นผลติภัณฑเ์ดมิ และผลติภัณฑใ์หม่ทีเ่ป็น High-end ซึง่เริม่ผลติในชว่งปลายปี 2559 จงึ สามารถ
2016 increased production capacity for existing products as well as new high-end products, which the Company started to produce commercially towards the end of 2016. The increased capacity enabled the