, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding the Company’s present and future business
, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding the Company’s present and future business
Vice-Chairman, if available, shall preside over the meeting. In the absence of the Vice-Chairman or if the Vice-Chairman is unable to perform his or her duties, the directors present at the meeting shall
her duties, the directors present at the meeting shall elect one from among themselves to be the Chairman of the meeting. Amended to read Article 25. A quorum of the Board of Directors meeting shall
digital television system, it was aimed to present the documentary, foreign movie series, sports and variety shows. However, the company has no expertise in the management of such content types. As such
carried out as planned and expected the new buildings will be ready to be use in 3Q2021. At present, the Company is now adjusting construction drawing, system work, and also working for the environmental
shareholders. At present, there is no specific conclusion on the type of capital increase. In this regard, the Company will inform of any update on this matter and will propose this matter for further
will be positive • MEG margins difficult to foresee from their strong levels at present • Corpus Christi expected to be delayed into 2020 • No impact from US ADD considered Asia Necessities 59 80 74
shares, having a par value of Baht 10 per share. Its authorized director, as of 30 November 2018, is Mr. Jirasak Prempojwattana. At present, S-TREK has no subsidiary and/or joint company. S-TREK is a
approach, adjusted book value approach, price to book value approach and net present value approach, performed by Orion Advisory Company Limited as the financial advisor of the Company. However, the