Increased (Decreased) Percentage Remark Sales and Services Income 3,076.89 2,277.55 799.34 35.10% - LPG Trading 742.39 773.68 (31.29) (4.04%) 1 - Transportation 15.58 15.98 (0.40) (2.50%) - Conversion Kit
March 2020, which net profit has changed more than 20% from the last year as follows: Statement of Comprehensive Income Unit: Million Baht 31 March 2020 31 March 2019 Increased (Decreased) Percentage
PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Disclosure Business News ( 10 record(s) found) Date Time Heading Link 17/11/2022 12:39 Guarantee according to the shareholding proportion of the subsidiary's credit facilities
Disclosure Business News ( 10 record(s) found) Date Time Heading Link 17/11/2022 12:39 Guarantee according to the shareholding proportion of the subsidiary's credit facilities (revised) 14/11/2022 07:23
brought by additional staff and rental expenses for new branches. The proportion of selling expenses to total revenue for 2018 and 2017 were 30.77% and 30.94% respectively. Café staff cost per total revenue
land owned by Mo Chit Land from mortgage with the financial institute prior to the Sale Shares transfer. Percentage of Shareholding by the Company After Share Disposal : None The Board of Directors had
offering 80,000,000 shares at par value of Baht 0.5 in an initial public offering (IPO) and to the Company’s shareholders based on the shareholder proportion (pre-emptive right). This will affect the
, decreasing by 8% y-y. However, the Company still maintained effective operating cost control with cost to income ratio at 39% of total revenues. Considering the Company’s separate financial statement, the
, decreasing by 8% y-y. However, the Company still maintained effective operating cost control with cost to income ratio at 39% of total revenues. Considering the Company’s separate financial statement, the
. However, the Company still maintained effective operating cost control with cost to income ratio at 38% of total revenues. Considering the Company’s separate financial statement, the operating and