(as amend). Such issuance of the newly issued shares is treated as an offering which the Shareholders’ Meeting has a resolution clearly specified the offering price at THB 0.80 per share which is
) To determine or to amend details, methods, any other relating conditions regarding the issuance and offering of convertible debenture, including but not limited to, terms and conditions of convertible
officer, to be an authorize person to conduct the following matters: (1) To determine or to amend details, methods, any other relating conditions regarding the issuance and offering of convertible debenture
executive officer, to be an authorize person to conduct the following matters: (1) To determine or to amend details, methods, any other relating conditions regarding the issuance and offering of convertible
issuance and offering of newly issued shares as it deems appropriate, including but not limited to the following matters: (1) To determine or to amend details, methods, any other relating conditions
Market Supervisory Board or the SEC Office, nor having corrected the financial status or the operating result as ordered by the said authorities. 4.8 Having not been ordered by the SEC Office to amend the
securities company has prescribed securities company to have efficient internal control system, adequate securities system that is adequate for preventing unauthorized person to know or amend information
securities company to have efficient internal control system, adequate securities system that is adequate for preventing unauthorized person to know or amend information concerning operation of securities
securities company has prescribed securities company to have efficient internal control system, adequate securities system that is adequate for preventing unauthorized person to know or amend information
plan or operation was not approved by the regulator of such financial institution or the Committee of the Financial Sector Restructuring Authority, or subject to an order to amend the financial loss