growing 4.1% YoY and 1% QoQ following growth in mobile postpaid segment, fixed broadband, and full-quarter consolidation of CSL. AIS kept on building brand awareness of the NEXT G network, now available in
income 47.97 100.00 79.46 100.00 (39.63) Costs 18.79 39.17 42.14 53.03 (55.41) Administrative expenses, finance costs and share of loss from associates 37.52 78.22 29.56 37.20 26.93 Management benefit
% 2% 2,920 2,506 -14% Earning Per Share (Baht per share) 3.96 3.87 4.04 4% 2% 11.68 10.02 -14% 3 Sales and Revenues Structure for the first nine-months of 2020. - Credit Card For the first nine-months
cardless cashing totally online shopping increased around 2 times and cardless cashing share more than 30% of total personal loans. Moreover, our revenue from bad debt recovery growing by 11% y-y. Details of
5,081 8% Income tax expenses 231 5% 967 1,000 3% 877 947 8% Net profit for the period 911 12% 3,690 3,553 -4% 3,811 4,133 8% Earnings Per Share (Baht per share) 3.64 12% 14.76 14.21 -4% 15.24 16.53 8% 3
% 524 472 -10% Net profit for the period 904 33% 1,828 2,018 10% 2,322 2,037 -12% Earnings Per Share (Baht per share) 3.61 33% 7.31 8.07 10% 9.29 8.15 -12% 3 Sales and Revenues Structure for the first
19% 3,997 3,838 -4% Income tax expenses 286 35% 768 815 6% 731 728 -0.4% Net profit for the period 1,104 35% 2,643 3,122 18% 3,266 3,109 -5% Earnings Per Share (Baht per share) 4.42 35% 10.57 12.49 18
received space rental revenue at a rate of Baht 44 .42 per square meter. The Company also received the payment for electricity, water supply, telephone usage according to the actual usage volumes. All rate
appraisal company in capital market’s location or telephone number. 7 Clause 16 In case any appraisal company in capital market obtaining an approval under this Chapter fails to maintain its characteristics
กำรควบคุมอุปกรณ์ คอมพิวเตอร์และส่ือสำรเคล่ือนท่ีและกำรปฏิบติังำนจำกภำยนอกองคก์ร (mobile computing and teleworking) เป็นตน้) กำรจดัใหมี้กำรตรวจสอบและประเมินควำมเส่ียงดำ้นสำรสนเทศ อยำ่งนอ้ยปีละ 1 คร้ัง