be completed in the beginning of 4Q19 in preparation for high season. Hotel revenue is expected to temporarily decline during this renovation period then increase again from higher ADR and occupancy
Lemon, HPP (High Pressure Processing) fruit juice, milk tablet, personal care products, Malee Coco in new designed carton package, which was already projected following the Company’s new product launch
ตน้ทุนทางการเงนิลดลงอย่างมนีัยสําคญั เมอืวนัท ี14 พฤศจกิายน 2562 บรษิทัฯเขา้ลงนามในสญัญาร่วมทุนสําหรบัการพฒันาโรงแรมแบบ High-end lifestyle resort บนเกาะ 3 ของโครงการ CROSSROADS (“โครงการ ”) กับบริษัท
foster marketing position of energy drink under Carabao trademark in the large and high potential growth regions of the UK and other overseas markets outside Asia; Diversify source of revenue flows and
). However, the financial costs from these funding sources were very high. The Company had no ability to compete with the HRC import price from time to time. Moreover, lack of working capital caused the
high potential growth regions of the UK and other overseas markets outside Asia; Diversify source of revenue flows and reduce degree of reliance on energy drink market in Thailand; and Pursue growth
มำกขึ้น อันเนื่องมำจำกผลบวกจำกช่วงไฮซีซั่น (high season) ที่อยู่ในช่วงเดือน ตุลำคมถึงเดือนธันวำคม จึงท ำให้อัตรำกำรใช้สื่อเพ่ิมมำกขึ้น สื่อโฆษณำในอำคำรส ำนักงำนและอื่นๆ มีรำยได้ 108 ล้ำนบำท เพ่ิมขึ้น
caution (fiduciary duties) and shall not make credit rating information selection which may cause assets of clients to be in a condition of low liquidity and high risk (cherry picking); (2) shall use the
selection which may cause assets of clients to be in a condition of low liquidity and high risk (cherry picking); 2 As added by the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. TorThor. 13/2555 Re
selection which may cause assets of clients to be in a condition of low liquidity and high risk (cherry picking); 2 As added by the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. TorThor. 13/2555 Re