ปัจจุบนัมีบริษทัท่ีเร่ิมใช ้e-KYC แลว้ 3 รำย 3.1.3 จดัเวทีเสวนำ Fintech Forum และโครงกำร Fintech challenge ซ่ึงเป็นโครงกำรประกวด แนวคิดและนวตักรรมท่ีเก่ียวขอ้งกบัตลำดทุน 3.2 บริการด้านข้อมูล 3.2.1 พฒันำ
33 Fintech Challenge 4,250,000 จัดสัมมนาเพ่ือให้ความรู้ด้าน fintech แก่ผู้ประกอบการท้ังท่ีเป็นผู้เล่นรายเดิม สตาร์ทอัพรายใหม่ และบุคคลท่ัวไป รวมถึงเปิดพ้ืนท่ีให้สตาร์ทอัพน าเสนอ นวัตกรรมท่ีจะช่วยเพ่ิม
’ environment. CPN successfully maintain an effective capital structure and flexible financing cost structure, as well as prepare adequate funding to support the investment plan and lower the financing cost at
entrust any person to perform the duties throughout the entire operation process as it may lead to corruption. Clause 8. A securities company shall maintain sufficient security system to prevent
maintain sufficient security system to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing or amending the information relating to its securities business operation. Clause 9.1011 A securities company shall retain
continued offering low-end unlimited data plans in both prepaid and postpaid segments in order to maintain customer base and expand market share. Hence, mobile revenue slightly declined by 0.7% YoY to
maintain sufficient security system to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing or amending the information relating to its securities business operation. Clause 9. A securities company shall retain
, the Company maintained a credit rating of BBB+ from S&P Global rating and being upgraded to AAA(tha) from Fitch Ratings. The company places an importance to maintain its credit rating in the interest of
capability to cover debt obligations. The company places an importance to maintain its credit rating to ensures the funding costs are optimal at an appropriate level at BBB+ rating by S&P Global. AIS is
gained from Phase 3 of the new plant that supported volume growth helped lessen the effect of the above on profit margin. The Company was capable to maintain a satisfactory level of profitability that