persons controlling client derivatives trading, as well as the financial status and repayment ability of the existing clients from whom the derivatives broker has never received such information or
information on the client, the beneficial owner and the person controlling the derivatives trading, as well as review the repayment ability and the trading limit of each client on a regular basis. Clause 28 The
information on the client, the beneficial owner and the person controlling the derivatives trading, as well as review the repayment ability and the trading limit of each client on a regular basis. Clause 28 The
percent. Because the ability to transfer ownership decreases. Rental Income and Service Revenue The Company and its subsidiaries’ rental income and service revenue earned decrease of Baht 0.27 million or
has potential of investment to collaborate for having business foundation’s strengthen and the ability to gain profit from the operation. 9. General description of connected transaction Type of
percent. Because the ability to transfer ownership increases. Rental Income and Service Revenue The Company and its subsidiaries’ rental income and service revenue earned decrease of Baht 2.41 million or
appropriate experience and ability, and necessary authority, to assume that responsibility. If yes, is their appropriate experience and ability sufficient to identify and understand quality management issues
“investing in digital assets comes with high risks. Those who are interested in investing must have knowledge and ability to take risks in investment losses. In a case of persuasion for investment, investors
intermediaries. ** Fiat currency means a currency that is declared legal tender and ability for debt repayment like the baht. Documents SHARE : Related News SEC launches Digital Asset Regulatory Sandbox on 9
76.06%. The decrease was due to closely monitor the debt collections and the better ability to pay of receivable accounts which support the better of overall quality account receivables. As of the end of