• Significant • Materiality • Professional judgment Accounting Assertions Existence - relates to account balances (each of the balance sheet and income statement balances are actually exist) Occurrence - relates
. Different types of Green Bonds exist in the market. These are described in Appendix I. It is understood that certain eligible Green Projects may have social co-benefits, and that the classification of a use
minor in nature, will be subject to the prior approval of CHANEL and Vigeo-Eiris. Any future updated version of this Framework that may exist will either keep or improve the current levels of transparency
to explain the reasons for the change. Securities commissions, stock exchanges and public interest oversight bodies, where they exist, should exercise oversight and enforcement of standards for
Flora or CITES shall be complied with, it may cause problems on animal provision for performances, such as, dolphin, whale, and sea lion, etc. Previously, there were a few risks on animal procurement and
forests are forest areas with many of the principal characteristics and key elements of a native ecosystem, such as complexity, structure and biological diversity, including soil characteristics, flora and
Up in 2H2017 to 2018 No Project Capacity (Kt) Expected Start Up/ Completion Strategy Remarks 1 US Gas Crack- er 440 Kt pa End 2017 a. ~90% output goes to IVL exist- ing EO/EG facil ity b. Capturing
- er 440 Kt pa Early 2018 a. ~90% output goes to IVL exist- ing EO/EG facility b. Capturing entire value chain in USA c. Most integrated PET company in North America d. Leveraging shale gas supply e. ~95
rating process. IOSCO members recognize that credit ratings, despite their numerous other uses, exist primarily to help investors and other users of credit ratings assess credit risks. Maintaining the
operated by the organization, a third party, or some combination of them, and it may exist on or off premises.” 6 ล ำดับ ค ำถำม ค ำตอบ 5. กำรสร้ำงควำมมั่นคงปลอดภัยของระบบสำรสนเทศด้ำนบุคลำกร (human resource