PowerPoint Presentation Empowering Diversity: Introducing the LGBTI Inclusion Toolkit for Thai Businesses Suparnee Jay Pongruengphant Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Advisor UNDP Thailand SEC
: Catalysing Business Growth and Sustainability with Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment” ซึ่งนางสิริวิภา สุพรรณธเนศ รองเลขาธิการ ร่วมเสวนากับตัวแทนจากภาคธุรกิจและภาคประชาสังคม เมื่อวันที่ 21 ตุลาคม 2564 ผู้
to deepen understanding and adoption of best practice in sustainability by the Thai banking industry, and also to alert the banking sector to ESG threats that form prudential risk management challenges
extension of, the Standards. Terms have the meaning ascribed in the Glossary when used in the Standards. Guidance materials Guidance Notes at the Practice Indicator level are provided to enhance understanding
รายงานการประชุมคณะกรรมการตรวจสอบ ครั้งที่ 4/2548 Ref.: SET-2017-026 December 22, 2017 Subject: Signing on the Memorandum of Understanding to Invest in Medical Service Business for Healthcare and
Understanding to Invest in Medical Service Business for Healthcare and Esthetics under Trademark “Wuttisak” dated December 22, 2017 Since Filter Vision Public Company Limited (“the Company” or “FVC”) declared to
understanding on “Dissemination of Financial and Investment Literacy and Promotion of Savings for Students and Youth,” between Apirom Sukprasert, BAAC Manager, Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol, SEC Secretary-General, for
aware of necessity of investment as only 7% of adult population invests in capital market. Accordingly, promoting investment knowledge and understanding as well as suitable investment channels are crucial
, further contributing to the economic relations between the two markets. This aligns with the objectives of the Memorandum of Understanding for Strengthening Economic Relations between the Kingdom of
the 2018, the company and its subsidiaries have the total revenue from sales in amount of Baht 10,249.4 million which is decreasing from the 2017 at equivalence of Baht 2,060.1 million, about 17%. These