of Yong Thai Pubic Company Limited (YCI) in concealment to mislead the general public to believe that YCI shares were purchased or sold in great volume at that time which was not consistent with the
to mislead the general public to believe that YCI shares were purchased or sold in great volume at that time which was not consistent with the normal market conditions. Additionally, he continuously
to mislead the general public to believe that YCI shares were purchased or sold in great volume at that time which was not consistent with the normal market conditions. Additionally, he continuously
referral from the Stock Exchange of Thailand, the SEC's probe found that during July 27 - August 15, 2011, {A} sold 29 million {X1} Company shares in securities trading account of the {X2} Company. She
Provisions relating to Offer for Sale of Securities Issued by Foreign Company Whose Shares Have Been Traded or Are Purposed to be Traded on Foreign Exchange
Re: Application for Approval of Form and Terms of Derivatives Contracts Traded on Derivatives Exchange
ONE ASSET MANAGEMENT LIMITED|Exchange Traded Fund : ETF | Offering Date : 31/01/2013 - 12/02/2013
ONE ASSET MANAGEMENT LIMITED|Exchange Traded Fund : ETF | Offering Date : 20/07/2009 - 28/07/2009
ONE ASSET MANAGEMENT LIMITED|Exchange Traded Fund : ETF | Offering Date : 01/08/2011 - 08/08/2011
could be exchanged or a liability settled between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm's length transaction. 4. New policy on allowance for obsolete inventories Inventory from 1 year and above and