decreased from the same period of the previous year in the amount of THB 600 million or decreased of 42.0 percent. Due to the airline shutdown operation and the temporary closure of restaurant and shop stores
found a growth of new investor base and gradual change of investment behaviors. It also indicated that financial industry needs to offer more retirement products for increasing aging populations. In
diversification rule The Deposit Protection Agency?s gradual reduction of protected deposit amounted to B50 million on August 11, 2011 and to B1 million on August 11, 2012 may have impact on the fund (mutual funds
Mobile Application, Chat & Shop และบริการ Call & Shop พรอ้มบริการจัดส่งฟรีถึงบา้นตามเงื่อนไขที่ก าหนด ทัง้นี ้ บรษัิทฯ มีการด าเนินมาตรการในทกุหน่วยธุรกิจ เพ่ือที่จะลดผลกระทบตอ่ความสามารถในการท าก าไรและ
การพฒันาและเพ่ิมบรกิารใหม่ๆ เชน่ Chat&Shop Call&Shop และชอ่งทางดิจิทลัใหม่ๆ ผ่านโซเชียล มีเดีย เชน่ Facebook Live, Store Brand และ Brand Line Official ซึ่งเปิดตวัในประเทศไทย โดยยอดขาย Omnichannel ใน
customers, the new store can also adjust the concept of After You, which formerly is a dessert shop that focuses on sitting and eating, into a new store concept that encourage customers to walk around and
Sales and revenues f more than t For 9-mon same perio reasing are quarter of compare t sales were he Company lt of shop m debt coll t. For 9-mo llion baht o higher debt over, the C m rental an hs period o
targeting tourists and focusing on duty free shop distribution. Table 1 : Sales Revenue by Product Line for the Three Months Period Ended 30 June Product Line/ Business Group Consolidated financial statements
% respectively thanks to the introduction of gift sets targeting tourists and focusing on duty free shop distribution and the promotion of the products in the Philippines during the end of September 2018 while
product launched for example, roasted seaweed, Family Pack, and Whey Protein and expansion of the sale channel via online and Tao Kae Noi Land shop including marketing in various country which has a high