pushing biodiesel B10 to be the mandatory diesel in 2020 that lead to sharply rise in crude palm oil ( CPO) and crude palm kernel oil (CPKO) prices at the end of 2019. Since early 2019, the stock of crude
amount in FY2018. 2. The cost of sales and services increased by 76.98 million baht or 1.61% YoY, mainly due to the conversion cost increased by 6 9 .1 6 million baht from the new Labor Protection Act; the
oil and labor costs In the first quarter of 2019 The Company is able to deliver work that has been postponed from the previous year to more customers and recognizes revenue according to the success of
is in line with the sales. However, the conversion cost increased by 52.15 million baht mainly due to the new Labor Protection Act; which the compensation rate for employees who have more than 20 years
2019, the group's cost of sales was 88 million baht, increase 22 million baht or 34% compared to the same period of last year due to changed the employee benefits compensation as labor law from 300 days
, the conversion cost increased by 69.16 million baht, mainly due to the new Labor Protection Act; the compensation rate for employees who have more than 20 years of work from the original 300 days has
(chronic) in precipitation, temperature and increased variability in weather patterns (e.g., sea level rise). Climate-related risks can also be associated with the transition to a lower-carbon global economy
Export sales revenue. Profit for the year of 2019 L&E’s consolidated profit for full year 2019 was posted at Baht 72.2 million, down 38% or Baht 44.7 million Y-O-Y, excluding Thailand’s new labor law
April Songkran Festival 5. Thursday 14 April Songkran Festival 6. Friday 15 April Songkran Festival 7. Monday 2 May Substitution for National Labor Day (Sunday, May 1) 8. Thursday 5 May Coronation Day 9
Songkran Festival 5. Thursday 14 April Songkran Festival 6. Friday 15 April Songkran Festival 7. Monday 2 May Substitution for National Labor Day (Sunday, May 1) 8. Thursday 5 May Coronation Day 9. Friday 20