waiver of the requirement to provide additional replacement assets as collateral if the ratio falls below 1.5:1, from 20 November 2024 to 30 December 2025; and (4) A reduction of the interest rate to 2
. TorLorThor. 8/2555 re: Regulations for Personnel of Business Operators in the Capital Market dated June 3, 2014 which has been promulgated in replacement of the said two notifications.
Market dated June 3, 2014 which has been promulgated in replacement of the said two notifications.
Supervisory Board No. TorLorThor. 8/2557 re: Regulations for Personnel of Business Operators in the Capital Market dated June 3, 2014 which has been promulgated in replacement of the said two notifications.
for Personnel of Business Operators in the Capital Market dated June 3, 2014 which has been promulgated in replacement of the said two notifications.
replacement of the said two notifications. _______________
Business Operators in the Capital Market dated June 3, 2014 which have been promulgated in replacement of the Notification of Capital Market Supervisory Board No. TorLorThor. 3/2555.
the day before or of 1 hour before the occurrence of emergency incidents, as the case may be. In addition, there should be provided an approach on provision or preparation of substitute data in
case may be. In addition, there should be provided an approach on provision or preparation of substitute data in replacement of lost important data. 3 4.3 If companies have used a service from a service
position ในหุน้ตวัเดยีวกนั - ใชค้า่ความเสีย่งเหมอืนวธิ ีfixed haircut - รวมคา่ความเสีย่ง (absolute) Equity กรณีหุน้ตา่งประเทศ 60 กลุม่ประเทศ DM Developed Market : Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark