(mass) มีโอกำสในกำรเข้ำถึงบริกำรจำก global player ที่มี established presence ในประเทศที่มีกำรก ำกับดูแลตลำดทุนเป็นที่ยอมรับ ของส ำนักงำน มีควำมน่ำเชื่อถือโดยพิจำรณำจำกฐำนลูกค้ำและ ส่วนแบ่งกำรตลำด มีระบบ
–polymerase chain reaction (real time RT-PCR) to detect the presence of virus from secretion in patients’ nose and throat. Our Laboratories provide services to both affiliated hospitals and other hospital
countries, such as Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Norway, and Spain, have enacted legislation requiring female presence on corporate boards (Chapple & Humphrey, 2012: Li and Chen, 2017
is extended. It is worth noting that predictive ability of a string is better for risk than growth in the presence of a longer earnings string. This study contributes to MBEB literature in a number of
presence, sectors of activity, and the company’s stage of development. Policy makers should remain focussed on ultimate economic outcomes and when considering policy options, they will need to undertake an
study and develop the power plant project using LNG as fuel, including the project of import and distribution of LNG to fuel the power plant in Vietnam. The remarkable performance with the highest NNP in
านักงาน และมีคุณสมบัติดังต่อไปนี้ 2.1 มีการด าเนินงาน (established presence) ในประเทศท่ีมีการก ากับดูแลตลาดทุน เป็นทีย่อมรับของส านักงาน เช่น ประเทศที่มีการพัฒนาในระดับ advanced market เป็นต้น 2.2
, during which the Audit Committee members also had a presence, has considered and opined that the transaction is reasonable and beneficial to the Company and shareholders in the long run. 12. Opinion of the
- None - 11. Opinion of the Board of Directors on the Transaction The Board of Directors’ meeting No. 7/2560 held on 14 November 2017, during which the Audit Committee members also had a presence, has
) the possession of the first or the second category of the prohibited characteristics hereunder, but excluding the presence of the prohibited characteristics due to the SEC Office’s undertaking. Clause