supervising the construction. Later, it was found that there was no actual construction under the contract; however, the construction cost was paid with a total amount of 27.5 million baht. In addition, ACAP
Shia Co. for supervising the construction. Later, it was found that there was no actual construction under the contract; however, the construction cost was paid with a total amount of 27.5 million baht
supervising the construction. Later, it was found that there was no actual construction under the contract; however, the construction cost was paid with a total amount of 27.5 million baht. In addition, ACAP
Thai listed company recipients. The conference was held at The Athenee Hotel Bangkok. Finance Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith said: “As a regulatory agency, SEC plays an important role in supervising
and guidelines for overseeing risk management and management of digital wallets and keys as well as communication to clarify such policy, action plans and procedures, work supervision and internal
audit firm, hereby certify and consent to the followings: 1. I certify that the audit firm has audit quality control system which is sufficient and reliable for supervising its auditors’ work to comply
, hereby certify and consent to the followings: 1. I certify that the audit firm has audit quality control system which is sufficient and reliable for supervising its auditors’ work to comply with the
control system which is sufficient and reliable for supervising its auditors’ work to comply with the professional standards on a continuous basis. Such audit quality control system complies with
Presently, supervising “digital asset businesses” under the royal decree on digital asset businesses, B.E. 2561 cover three business groups: digital asset exchange; digital asset broker; and
SEC is proposing amendment to the guidelines for supervising auditors and audit firms in the Thai capital market to enhance the audit quality oversight of audit firms and promote the development