baht or 4% from 87,121 million baht as of February 28, 2019. The main assets were attributed to the portfolio of net account receivables which shared 90% of total assets. - Accounts Receivable The
% of total assets. - Accounts Receivable The Company has gross accounts receivable of 79,632 million baht (both current assets and non-current assets) as of August 31, 2018, increasing 5% from as of
5,585 million baht or 7% from 80,771 million baht as of February 28, 2018. The main assets were attributed to the portfolio of net account receivables which shared 91% of total assets. - Accounts
debentures. Baht Million 31-Dec-18 30-Sep-19 +/(-) +/(-)% Assets Cash, Cash equivalents and current investments 138.76 120.64 (18.12) (13.06%) Trade and other accounts receivable 1,117.59 1,611.69 494.10 44.21
% from 95,396 million baht as of February 29, 2020. The main assets were attributed to the portfolio of net account receivables which shared 87% of total assets. 6 - Accounts Receivable The Company had
ended December 31, 2019 Baht Million 31-Dec-18 31-Dec-19 +/(-) +/(-)% Assets Cash, Cash equivalents and current investments 138.76 117.10 (21.66) (15.61%) Trade and other accounts receivable 1,117.59
portfolio of net account receivables which shared 91% of total assets. - Accounts Receivable The Company has gross accounts receivable of 87,131 million baht (both current assets and non-current assets) as of
February 29, 2020 August 31, 2020 (TFRS 9) Change Unit : Million Baht %YoY Accounts Receivable 90,232 88,017 -2% Total Assets 95,396 87,265 -9% Total Borrowing 69,437 65,310 -6% Total Liabilities 74,271
other receivables increased by Baht 41 million due to increase in trade accounts receivable Baht 129 million and decrease in unbilled contract revenue Baht (98) million. Moreover, other receivables
reserves and financial investments were THB 8.7 billion at 31st December 2019 similar to THB 8.7 billion at 31st December 2018 . reviewQ419.xlsx MD&A 2019 24/02/2020 Asset Quality Accounts Receivable Most of