revenues of sold electrical equipment and the revenues from the sold telecommunication towers because the communication system 4G is coming to the end of the investment period. 2. Gross profit : The total
’ compensation 1,581.68 (30.00) 18.59 - 1,600.27 (30.00) 1,414.73 - 185.54 (30.00) Net cost 1,551.68 18.59 1,570.27 1,414.73 155.54 4. Net profit : the net profit of the 1st quarter of year 2019 is Baht 51.66
859.95 670.17 859.95 122.60 - Total cost Deduct owners’ compensation 1,581.68 (30.00) 71.04 - 1,652.72 (30.00) 1,530.12 - 122.60 (30.00) Net cost 1,551.68 71.04 1,622.72 1,530.12 92.60 4. Net profit : the
- 172.25 792.77 961.16 805.88 961.16 - - Total cost Deduct owners’ compensation 1,581.68 (30.00) 172.25 - 1,753.93 (30.00) 1,767.04 (30.00) - - Net cost 1,551.68 172.25 1,723.93 1,737.04 - 4. Net profit
owners’ compensation 1,398.72 -30.00 39.87 - 1,438.59 -30.00 1,289.46 - 149.13 -30.00 Net cost 1,368.72 39.87 1,408.59 1,289.46 119.13 4. Net profit: the net profit of 2nd quaternary for the year 2017 is
electrical equipment, while revenue from sale telecommunication tower decrease due to the communication system 4G end of the investment. 2. Gross profit: The total gross profit of the year 2018 was Baht 460.41
its subsidiaries for the year ended 31 December 2019 represented a profit attributable to owners of the parent of Baht 20.38 million. Excluding, the recognition of the excess of compensation from
its subsidiaries for the year ended 31 December 2019 represented a profit attributable to owners of the parent of Baht 20.38 million. Excluding, the recognition of the excess of compensation from
756.32 180.88 - Total cost Deduct owners’ compensation 1,398.72 (30.00) 96.67 - 1,495.39 (30.00) 1,314.51 - 180.88 (30.00) Net cost 1,368.72 96.67 1,465.39 1,314.51 150.88 4. Net profit: the net profit of
million. The revenue from sale business of 1st quarter of year 2018 was Baht 303.73 million. The revenue was increased from sales of high voltage transmission line towers. 2. Gross profit: The total gross