Bangkok, August 19, 2013 - The SEC today filed a criminal complaint with the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) against {A} on the ground to believe that he sold {X1} Plc. shares by using non
rule. POLAR's action under the responsibility of Yanakorn and Poonsak was an offence on the ground of concealing material facts that should have been disclosed under Section 281/10 in conjunction with
its right to buy capital increase shares of the above-mentioned subsidiaries. Their actions are deemed violating Section 312 of the SEC Act with Section 83 of the Penal Code, on the ground that the
characteristics; (3) having any improper behavior which, if considered on a reasonable ground, materially affected clients, investors, company or shareholders, or money market or capital market as a whole, in a
for management in the manner of deceit, fraud or dishonesty 1 relating to offences against property as specified as prohibited characteristic in Group 2 under Clause 30; (3) having a reasonable ground
specified as prohibited characteristic in Group 2 under Clause 30; (3) having a reasonable ground to believe that there is a materially inappropriate demeanor [i] affecting clients , investors , the company
a reasonable and necessary ground and that such securities trading is without the intention to seek benefits in the manner of exploiting the clients, or shall be able to demonstrate that there is a
a reasonable and necessary ground and that such securities trading is without the intention to seek benefits in the manner of exploiting the clients, or shall be able to demonstrate that there is a
a reasonable and necessary ground and that such securities trading is without the intention to seek benefits in the manner of exploiting the clients, or shall be able to demonstrate that there is a
person specified under Clause 3(1), in which case the consideration of the paid-up capital shall be in accordance with Clause 5; (2) having no reasonable ground to believe that its financial condition may