. Kittiphat Ittisanyakorn (formerly Mr. Pattarapob Ittisanyakorn), (4) Mr. Sutat Sivapiromrat, (5) Equities First Holdings, LLC, (6) Mr. Vincent DeFilippo, (7) Mr. Al Christy, Jr., (8) Mr. Chotiphun Tiaviwat
. Kittiphat Ittisanyakorn (formerly Mr. Pattarapob Ittisanyakorn), (4) Mr. Sutat Sivapiromrat, (5) Equities First Holdings, LLC, (6) Mr. Vincent DeFilippo, (7) Mr. Al Christy, Jr., (8) Mr. Chotiphun Tiaviwat
. Kittiphat Ittisanyakorn (formerly Mr. Pattarapob Ittisanyakorn), (4) Mr. Sutat Sivapiromrat, (5) Equities First Holdings, LLC, (6) Mr. Vincent DeFilippo, (7) Mr. Al Christy, Jr., (8) Mr. Chotiphun Tiaviwat
) Mr. Kittiphat Ittisanyakorn (formerly Mr. Pattarapob Ittisanyakorn), (4) Mr. Sutat Sivapiromrat, (5) Equities First Holdings, LLC, (6) Mr. Vincent DeFilippo, (7) Mr. Al Christy, Jr., (8) Mr. Chotiphun
overhang” reduces investment levels by 1-2% for each percent increase in leverage ratios (Hennessy et al., 2007). 3 https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2006808&clcid=0x409 SEC Classification : ใชภ้ายใน
calculation will reflect position risk of assets and cover related business transactions, in line with international standards and the changing market conditions to serve the ongoing business operation and to
price (Biais et al., 1999; Cao et al., 2000; Davies, 2003). • Call auctions at the pre-opening represent the market's collective view and contribute to the price discovery process (Amihud & Mendelson
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