เปลี่ยนแปลงของสินทรัพย์อ้างอิง ณ วันเริ่มต้นสัญญา)) Strike Level -0.50% (Put Strike) / +0.50% (Call Strike) การเพิ่มขึ้นหรือลดลงน้อยกว่า 0.50% เมื่อเทียบกับค่าการเปลี่ยนแปลงของสินทรัพย์อ้างองิ ณ วันเริ่มต้น
retail businesses, has also been impacted by several of Thailand’s economic indicators including the consumers’ confidence index which hit the lowest in 38 months, the floods in upcountry, as well as the
hit merchandise exports, and domestic demand. Private consumption indicators indicated the slower expansion in most sectors. Manufacturing production and private investment contracted. Nevertheless
products are the best sellers there. Sales revenue from facial cleanser product line for the three months period ended 31 December 2018 reached THB 71.84 million or equivalent to a massive 520.38% growth
of a possible recurrence of the outbreak in Thailand, have led to severe restrictions on inbound and outbound travel. This has resulted in a massive contraction of the tourism industry, as well as the
option / หุน้ DTAC - 12/03/2005 premium 2,000 บ. 10% strike price 35 บ. หมายเหตุ : 1/ ข้อมูลธุรกรรม ได้แก่ 2. การซือ้หลักทรัพย์ทีอ่อกใหม่ซึง่บคุคลทีเ่กี่ยวข้องเปน็ผู้จัดจ าหน่ายหลักทรัพย์ดังกล่าว 3. การ
higher demand from Cambodia and Myanmar. The Company’s sales to Myanmar and Cambodia hit a record high in 3Q19 and 4Q19 respectively. As to leverage the leading position in Cambodia, carbonated Carabao
Myanmar business. Personal Care Segment Total personal care revenues decreased by 21.9% YoY to THB 539 million. Beauty segments hardly hit by COVID-19 situation. Some categories of baby products also
help us strike a balance between effective supervision and liberal innovation more appropriately,? said SEC Chief. The five strategic measures are: 1. Integration with foreign markets: Within ASEAN
help us strike a balance between effective supervision and liberal innovation more appropriately,? said SEC Chief.The five strategic measures are:? 1.? Integration with foreign markets: Within ASEAN, the