after a clearer picture of local politics. Analysis of the Operating Results The analysis of the operating results of Land and Houses Securities Public Company Limited and its subsidiary were compared the
maintain an adequate cushion for NPL in the banking system. Overall Picture of the Bank and its Subsidiaries Million Baht Item Quarter Change (%) H1 Change 2/2019 1/2019 2/2018 1/2019 2/2018 2019 2018
after a clearer picture of local politics. Analysis of the Operating Results The analysis of the operating results of Land and Houses Securities Public Company Limited and its subsidiary were compared the
be effective in 2020, the Thai commercial banking system will be more stable and able to support loan expansion in the next phase. Overall Picture of the Bank and its Subsidiaries Million Baht Item
phase. Overall Picture of the Bank and its Subsidiaries Million Baht Item Quarter Change (%) 9 Months Change 3/2018 2/2018 3/2017 2/2018 3/2017 2018 2017 (%) Net profit * 9,030 9,194 8,161 (1.8)% 10.6
partner as well. However, if the Company has the clear picture of wellness project and the exactly figure of investment, the Company will consider the transaction size of acquisition transaction and inform
credit demand and the economic volatility caused by Covid-19. V2 27/08/63 3 Overall Picture of the Bank and its Subsidiaries Million Baht Item Quarter Change (%) H1 Change 2/2020 1/2020 2/2019 1/2020 2
the banking system. Overall Picture of the Bank and its Subsidiaries Million Baht Item Quarter Change (%) 9 Months Change 3/2019 2/2019 3/2018 2/2019 3/2018 2019 2018 (%) Net profit * 9,438 9,347 9,030
/02/62 14:27 น. 5 Overall Picture of the Bank and its Subsidiaries Million Baht Item Quarter Change (%) Year Change 4/2018 3/2018 4/2017 3/2018 4/2017 2018 2017 (%) Net profit * 8,101 9,030 8,496 (10.3
with these changes in order to move forward in a sustainable way. Overall Picture of the Bank and its Subsidiaries Million Baht Item Quarter Change (%) Year Change 4/2019 3/2019 4/2018 3/2019 4/2018 2019