Bangkok, February 19, 2014 - The SEC revealed that the Settlement Committee imposed a fine on {A} in the amount of 25,665,197.13 baht for manipulating share price of Rich Asia Steel Plc. (RICH).{A
Bangkok, June 30, 2011 - The Settlement Committee imposed a fine of B333,333 on Krit Pitimanaaree for aidding or abeeting to share price manipulation of Ascon Contruction Plc. (ASCON) during January
SCB ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Super Savings Fund : SSF | Offering Date : 08/12/2020 - 22/12/2020
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Facebook Page ชื่อ Stock and stock market analysis : Unlicensed securities and derivatives business (Disclosure Date : 22/11/2023)
Earlier, the Civil Sanction Committee (CSC) resolved to impose civil sanctions on six offenders* in the case of manipulating the BM share price, requiring them to make the total payment of 8,001,949
Bangkok, 13 June 2018 ? The SEC has announced that the other six offenders in the share manipulation case against Asset Bright Public Company Limited (ABC) have consented to the civil sanction
Bangkok, November 1, 2012 ? The Criminal Court sentenced Sagha Sakulekpaisan to two-year imprisonment for manipulating share prices of three companies, i.e., Focus Development and Construction PLC
, namely Prayuth Lertpinyopap, Naruephol Chatchalermvit and Ladda Ponsuwannapa, with the Department of Special Investigation for involving in share manipulations. The SEC findings revealed reasonable grounds
Bangkok, March 21, 2011- The Criminal Court has sentenced {A} to a fine of 600,000 baht for aiding or abetting the manipulation of the share price of Chai Watana Tannery Group Plc. (CWT).The SEC, on