Market Supervisory Board TorNor. 31/2553 Rules, Conditions and Procedures for Establishment and Management of Property Funds for Solving Financial Institution Problems (No. 3)
Bangkok, November 15, 2011 ? The Cabinet today approved tax and fee exemption in connection with establishment of infrastructure fund to facilitate fund raising for infrastructure construction
Establishment of Mutual Funds and Execution of Agreements for Establishment of Mutual Funds and Execution of Agreements for Management of Private Funds (No. 2)
Rules Conditions and Procedures for Establishment and Management of Property and Loan Funds (No. 2)
Establishment of Mutual Funds and Execution of Agreements for Management of Private Funds (No. 4)
Establishment of Mutual Funds and Execution of Agreements for Management of Private Funds (No. 3)
Establishment of Mutual Funds and Execution of Agreements for Management of Private Funds (No. 8)
Establishment of Mutual Funds and Execution of Agreements for Management of Private Funds (No. 7)
Rules, Conditions and Procedures for Establishment of Mutual Funds (No. 9)
Establishment of Mutual Funds and Execution of Agreements for Management of Private Funds (No. 10)