disclose more information related to the price of the DW to be offered. This includes: - additional disclosure on the historical volatility of the underlying shares in the registration statement and
experienced moderate growth amid global economic uncertainty, driven by the expansion of private consumption and tourism sectors, while the purchasing power of the grassroots consumer remained challenging. AIS
เปดเผยสูตรการคํานวณราคา และ factor ที่ใชในการคํานวณตาม แนวทางที่ IB club กําหนด เห็นดวยตามหลักการที่เสนอ - 2. การเปดเผยขอมูล historical volatility ไวในแบบ filing ไมเห็นดวยเน่ืองจากขอมูลดังกล
-up 5G perception. Restrictions in the quarter also supported demand for Fixed broadband (FBB) which delivered strong growth of 23% YoY and 7.4% QoQ as well as non-mobile enterprise business growing 23
at 393,388 tons, an increase of 83,483 tons or 27%, primarily from continually growing of B20 consumption as the increasing subsidies policy on B20 to be lower than B7 from 3 Baht/ litre to 5 Baht
, growing 20% YoY from TTTBB enterprise revenue consolidation and strong demand in connectivity services for EDS and cloud to support digital transformation. QoQ growth was driven by resumed government budget
increase after a decline during the end of 2017. With the economic expansions for the first quarter of 2018 growing at a faster rate than expected at 4.8% together with positive signs of recovery across
after a decline during the end of 2017. With the economic expansions for the first half of 2018 growing at a faster rate than expected at 4.8%, the Bank in-house research has revised the Thai economic
, FY17 ME demand were 1.2 million tons, growing from prior year by 0.2 million tons (up 17%yoy). Such demand growth was driven by government biodiesel mandate. The FY17 mandate was set at B5 at the
continued to scale up several platforms to serve all customer segments. Our VDO, named AIS PLAY, received higher awareness, with current active subscribers growing to 4mn as we provided additional value for