individuals accused of falsifying accounts and financial statements and deceiving the public* in the STARK case. In this regard, the public prosecutor reported the accused persons to the Court and
received funds from the sale of debentures and equity, there were transfers of funds from STARK and its subsidiaries to other companies or individuals related to financial statement manipulation. The acts
. Furthermore, after STARK received funds from the sale of debentures and equity, there were transfers of funds from STARK and its subsidiaries to other companies or individuals related to financial statement
. Furthermore, after STARK received funds from the sale of debentures and equity, there were transfers of funds from STARK and its subsidiaries to other companies or individuals related to financial statement
investments associated with securities, as well as the management of individuals' investments to seek benefits from securities. These activities were carried out through social media platforms, i.e
workers are closeted at work • 53% of LGBTI individuals hear jokes about lesbian or gay people • 67% of LGBTI individuals experienced discriminatory comments • 17% of LGBTI individuals feel exhausted from
333,333.33 baht for aiding and abetting in the aforesaid insider trading. According to a referral from the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and the SEC?s own investigation, the aforesaid individuals from (1
According to a referral from the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) in 2022 and the SEC’s further investigation, evidence indicates that the 29 persons, namely: (1) Mrs. La-or Tangkaravakoon, (2) Mrs
, Section 313 and Section 315 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992), as the case may be. The SEC has therefore filed the criminal complaint against the two persons with the ECD for consideration
According to a referral from the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) in 2021 and the SEC’s further investigation, evidence indicates that the 11 persons, namely: (1) Mr. Apimuk Bamrungwong, (2) Mr