% Export 329,192 382,456 16.18% Consumption 4,444,902 4,157,817 -6.46% Source : Iron and Steel Institiute of Thailand, by Steel Business Intelligence Bar & Section, 16.04% Wire rod, 9.41% Other Long Products
ปีที่ผ่านมา Bar&Section, 17.79% Wire rod, 9.45% Other Long Products, 0.82% Seamless pipe, 0.50% HR Plate (Thickness > 3.0 mm), 2.12% HR Sheet (Thickness < 3.0 mm), 33.11% CRC, 16.65% Galvanized, 10.24
Business Intelligence Bar&Section, 20.69% Wire rod, 9.49% Other Long Products, 0.69% Seamless pipe, 0.43% HR Plate (Thickness > 3.0 mm), 2.28% HR Sheet (Thickness < 3.0 mm), 30.28% CRC, 16.20% Galvanized
2,812,967 2,838,215 0.90% Export 403,713 433,121 7.28% Consumption 4,211,321 4,352,363 3.35% Source : Iron and Steel Institiute of Thailand, by Steel Business Intelligence Bar&Section, 18.33% Wire rod, 8.94
ร้อนแผ่นบาง Bar&Section, 17.93% Wire rod, 9.49% Other Long Products, 0.51% Seamless pipe, 0.70% HR Plate (Thickness > 3.0 mm), 3.29% HR Sheet (Thickness < 3.0 mm), 31.97% CRC, 16.07% Galvanized, 9.94% TP
รูปพรรณ อยู่ที่ 2.94 แสนตัน ขณะที่การส่งออกเหล็กเส้นก่อสร้างอยู่ที่ 1.69 แสนตัน ตามล าดับ Bar&Section, 16.77% Wire rod, 9.96% Other Long Products, 0.59% Seamless pipe, 0.57% HR Plate (Thickness > 3.0 mm
1,312,170 1,106,611 -15.67% Consumption 14,763,092 14,009,331 -5.11% Source : Iron and Steel Institiute of Thailand, by Steel Business Intelligence [CATEGORY NAME], [VALUE] Wire rod, 9.58% Other Long Products
&Section, 21.47% Wire rod, 9.58% Other Long Products, 0.65% Seamless pipe, 0.49% HR Plate (Thickness > 3.0 mm), 2.29% HR Sheet (Thickness < 3.0 mm), 29.94% CRC, 15.96% Galvanized, 10.81% TP&TF, 2.51% Other
: Iron and Steel Institiute of Thailand, by Steel Business Intelligence Bar&Section, 21.29% Wire rod, 9.71% Other Long Products, 0.54% Seamless pipe, 0.44% HR Plate (Thickness > 3.0 mm), 2.28% HR Sheet
distribution of these investments geographically (home and abroad) and the method of financing (internal or external). 8. An indication of any public takeover offers by third parties in respect of the issuer's