disclose if anything would impede the ability of these individuals to perform their required business activities for the issuer. For example, this could include whether any of the issuer’s directors also
rights. In order to avoid over-regulation, unenforceable laws, and unintended consequences that may impede or distort business dynamics, policy measures should be designed with a view to their overall
decrease by 47.57% or THB 4.90 Million because the company is concentrating on internal PC&Mobile game project (Home Sweet Home Survival), which will be launched later this year. Q2/2020 cost of goods sold
jointly owned property. This could hinder the fund?s investment stipulated in the fund scheme and, as a result, cause the unitholders to lose opportunities and returns from their investment. 2. Advance
and monetary policy setting as transactions or activities may not be conducted through operators or intermediaries under the public-sector supervision. Meanwhile, the public sector should not hinder
individuals have a material interest in the offering or listing, other than in their official capacities, this should be disclosed. Also disclose if anything would impede the ability of these individuals to
Prosperous Fortune Collection for Chinese New Year in January and Sweet Sonata Collection for valentine’s day in February and arranged marketing campaign continually which result in revenue from sales had
วดบญัชีนี ้ ส่วนงานเกมสมี์รายไดเ้พิ่มขึน้จากปีก่อน 0.599 ลา้นบาท หรือ 16.93% เน่ืองจากบริษัทมีการน าเกมส ์Home Sweet Home ภาค 1 ซึ่งไดเ้ริ่มจัดจ าหน่ายตัง้แต่ปลายปี พ.ศ. 2560 เข้าร่วมโครงการโปรโมชั่นกับ
level of household debt and conservative spending are continue to hinder domestic consumption by limiting consumption with only necessary items, decreasing in spending frequency and low- price. The
แบบแสดงรายการขอมูลการเสนอขายตราสารหน้ี (รายครั้ง) (แบบ 69-DEBT-PO-GOV.AGENCY) บริษัท........... (ช่ือไทย/อังกฤษของผูเสนอขายตราสารหน้ี) ............. เสนอขาย ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................