for their decision making since the directors and executives are obliged to provide information and opinion on appropriateness of the transactions, with due care and honesty in order to protect benefits
. [ Message from the Chairman ]5 . . . . . . . . The role played by the capital market in helping to raise fund for businesses is likely to gain momentum as one of the main drivers of the economy. However, in
law or to gain an unfair advantage; (4) being a person under the following conditions: (a) being imposed a civil penalty by Civil Penalty Committee or being ordered or judged a civil penalty by court to
operate by itself instead of rent out. 1.5) Other Revenue decrease THB 16.13 million due from Gain from disposal of assets decrease THB 12.83 million because of in the year 2016 the Company had gain on
/- Decreased /-Decreased Brokerage fees income 914.15 (135.35) 914.15 (135.35) Fees and service income 81.40 (12.81) 81.40 (12.81) Interest income on margin loans 55.25 (12.43) 55.25 (12.43) Gain (loss) and
additional changes to existing projects and maintenance projects that was completed the previous year. Some of contracts cost had been recognized last year. Another contributing factor is the gain from change
178.76 109.66 Revenue from sales electricity 93.21 92.22 Revenue from sales and services 4.10 3.45 Gain on investments 8.62 1.28 Gain on exchange rate 67.04 - Other income 5.79 12.71 EXPENSES (115.93
) Gross profit 439.4 427.9 11.5 2.7 Net gain on exchange rate 55.1 112.2 (57.1) (50.9) Gain on forward contracts 11.2 49.5 (38.3) (77.4) Other income 2.0 173.0 (171.0) (98.8) Profit before expenses 507.7
holders (Exclude Gain (Loss) on exchange rate) 426 127 299 236.2% Net profit (loss) attributable to equity holders Margin (%) (Exclude Gain (Loss) on exchange rate) 5.8% 2.9% 2.8% EBITDA 1,036 600 436 72.7
and building previously used for such business. In this year, ABC sold the assets and transferred revaluation surplus to gain on sale of the assets presented in the income statement. The transfer was