fund with the same investment policy, the securities company must disclose details of the guarantee or the guarantor of such mutual fund or private fund. Clause 6. For an advertisement related to a
disclose details of the guarantee or the guarantor of such mutual fund or private fund. Clause 6. For an advertisement related to a promotion which provides investors who invest in investment units with
) ถา้ไมม่ ีใหบ้นัทกึเป็น 00 20 Certifier/Avaler/Endorser/Guarantor/Drawer ID เลขทีจ่ดทะเบยีนบรษัิทของผูรั้บรอง/ผูรั้บอาวลั/ผูส้ลักหลัง/ ผูค้ ้าประกัน/ผูส้ัง่จา่ย varchar(30) 21 Certifier/Avaler/Endorser
offered for sale; )b) guarantor rating only in the case where the bond is fully guaranteed and the guarantor is obliged to liabilities jointly with the debtor without revocability before the maturity date
bonds being offered for sale; (2) guarantor rating only in the case where the bond is fully guaranteed and the guarantor is obliged to liabilities jointly with the debtor without revocability before the
guarantor rating, as the case may be. In cases where the issuer is also required to file the annual registration statement (Form 56-1) for an issuance of debt securities having a guarantor, attach also the
guarantor rating, as the case may be. In cases where the issuer is also required to file the annual registration statement (Form 56-1) for an issuance of debt securities having a guarantor, attach also the
securities company must disclose details of the guarantee or the guarantor of such mutual fund or private fund. Clause 10. For an advertisement related to a promotion which provides investors who invest in
fund with the same investment policy, the securities company must disclose details of the guarantee or the guarantor of such mutual fund or private fund. Clause 6. For an advertisement related to a
ถือ หมายเหตุ ผู้ออก (issuer rating) ผู้ค้ำประกัน (guarantor rating) ตราสาร (issue rating) หุ้นกู้ทั่วไป - ระยะสั้น - อย่างใดอย่างหนึ่ง โดยกรณี MTN ต้องได้ rating ที่ระดับ investment grade