. It contains no misleading information which may cause misunderstanding or conceal any material fact that should have been informed The Company hereby certifies that the information contained in this
cause misunderstanding or conceal any material fact that should have been informed The Company hereby certifies that the information contained in this Information Memorandum is accurate and complete, in
the SEC Office both printed document and electronic form shall contain the correctly consistent statement and shall not contain any false statement or conceal any material facts which should have been
false statements of material facts or conceal material facts which should have been stated in any document which is to be disclosed to the public or to be submitted to the Office, the SEC or the
intentionally makes or has intentionally make false statements of material facts or conceal material facts which should have been stated in any document which is to be disclosed to the public or to be submitted
intentionally makes or has intentionally make false statements of material facts or conceal material facts which should have been stated in any document which is to be disclosed to the public or to be submitted
conceal any material statements that should have been disclosed. Clause 40 If the issuer of depositary receipts is a listed company on the Thai Stock Exchange and is obligated to file the financial
according to the first paragraph must not contain false statement or conceal material facts which should have been notified. Clause 35 Foreign collective investment scheme shall cease the duty to prepare and
แบบแสดงรายการข้อมูลการเสนอขายหลักทรัพย์ - 21 - (UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION) Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. FORM 56-1 Annual Registration Statement For the financial year ending DATE MONTH YEAR Company: ............................................................................................... Note : This annual registration statement (Form 56-1) contains minimum information required to be discl...
.. UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION Codified up to No. 5 As of 23 March 2015 Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission Concerning Granting of Approval of Financial Advisors and Their Scope of Work ______________________ Whereas the notifications issued by the Capital Market Supervisory Board relating to the issuance and offering for sale of securi...