เสนอขายหุ้นแก่ประชาชนทั่วไปของบริษัทจดทะเบียน (SPO) กฎเกณฑ์ SHARE : Detail Content ตราสารทุน หุ้น การเสนอขายหุ้นแก่ประชาชนทั่วไปของบริษัทจดทะเบียน (SPO) แบ่งเป็น 2 กรณี คือ 1. กรณี fast track
value-added services and innovative products tailored to customer demands for fast, stable internet, along with enhanced home experiences through content bundles and IoT add- ons. Enterprise services have
: เกณฑ์การเสนอขายหุ้น PO ส าหรับบริษทัจดทะเบียนท่ีมลีกัษณะ การก ากบัดูแลกจิการ (corporate governance หรือ “CG”) ท่ีดีตามท่ีก าหนดในประกาศ (“เกณฑ์ fast track”) ซ่ึงเป็นเกณฑ์ท่ีผอ่นปรนกวา่เกณฑ์ PO แบบ normal
criteria and period of time: )1( fast track case, the applicant shall be qualified in accordance with the rules in Clause 27 and the SEC Office shall proceed in accordance with the following steps and
proceed completely before the date of commencement of securities or derivatives business. The first and second paragraph shall not be applicable to any intermediary who ceases all businesses. Clause 3 An
paragraph, the intermediary shall proceed completely before the date of commencement of securities or derivatives business. The first and second paragraph shall not be applicable to any intermediary who
Supervisory Board concerning Rules on Personnel in the Capital Market Business. For the appointment of the independent director under the first paragraph, the intermediary shall proceed completely before the
as to ensure that such complaint is handled within an appropriate period and following the procedures and means as determined in sub-clause (2); Clause 3 A derivatives broker shall proceed with a
as to ensure that such complaint is handled within an appropriate period and following the procedures and means as determined in sub-clause (2); Clause 3 A derivatives broker shall proceed with a
as to ensure that such complaint is handled within an appropriate period and following the procedures and means as determined in sub-clause (2); Clause 3 A derivatives broker shall proceed with a