reasonable to increase the flexibility in submitting the report to be in line with the operation procedures of the business operators, whereby the business operators may request an extension in submitting
Blue Line as the ridership which continued to increase consecutively and including the operation in full commercial service of Section 2 in MRT Blue Line Extension, Hua Lamphong Station - Lak Song
, 2018 mainly from the increase in construction in process of the Blue Line Extension Project. Total liabilities amounted to Baht 68,911 Million, representing an increase from the previous year by Baht 692
expense and amortization. Selling and administrative expenses amounted to Baht 303 Million representing an increase by Baht 27 Million or 9.8 percent from the operation of the MRT Blue Line Extension
/2022 17:50 Report on the acquisition of asset for investment in Bitcoin Mining Project 23/02/2022 17:42 Connected Transaction in Respect of Office Lease Agreement Extension 10/11/2021 08:07 Connected
BUILDING PRODUCTS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Disclosure Business News ( 3 record(s) found) Date Time Heading Link 27/09/2022 08:25 Connected Transaction in Respect of Office Lease Agreement Extension 28/06/2022
well as submit the special audit report to the SEC by October 7, 2013. Mill later requested the SEC for deadline extension to allow sufficient time for auditor to do the job. The SEC therefore granted an
2006. The extension is to provide sufficient time for the company to correct accounting entries and for the auditor to thoroughly audit the corrected financial statements. The one-month
agency?s rating at a lower cost. CRA reviews would stimulate performance improvement, increase SMEs reliability, enhance recognition from business partners and customers, and by extension, boost SMEs
who resigned ,Additional investment in Tiger Distribution receiving the right to increase capital in the part that the existing shareowners waive the right 17/10/2022 08:23 Resignation of a Director