- (71.2) (71.2) n.a. Utilities income for 2018 was THB 2,096.2 mm, which increased by THB 21.0 mm or 1.0%, compared to the same period of previous year. However, if excluding the excessive charge considered
รด าเนินงานท่ีลดลงร้อยละ 3.8 เม่ือ เทียบกับช่วงเวลาเดียวกนัของปีท่ีแล้ว รายได้อ่ืนจากธุรกิจน ้ าท่ีลดลงมีสาเหตุหลกัมาจากค่าธรรมเนียมจากการขอใช้น ้ าเกินกว่าท่ีจดัสรร 3 (Excessive Charge) ลดลง ในขณะท่ี
2018 was THB 515.0 mm, which decreased by THB 39.4 mm or 7.1%, compared to the same period of previous year, mainly due to the one-time excessive charge amounting of THB 86.0 mm recognized during the
% Utilities income in the third quarter of 2017 of THB 499.0 mm, which decreased by THB 27.9 mm or 5.3%, compared to the same period of last year, resulting from the one-time excessive charge which collects
Business regarding the prevention and management of conflicts of interest to be in the same manner with respect to the following matters: (1) Excessive Transactions for Clients shall be in accordance with
consists of Raw Water Sales, Industrial Water Sales, and Wastewater Treatment Services. 2 Other Utilities Revenue consists of Excessive Charge, Service Fees for Wastewater Management 3 Gross Profit from
of last year, mainly due to the one-time excessive charge amounting to THB 80.5 mm recognized during the first half of 2019 considered as one-off item. However, if excluding the one-time excessive
601.9 1.5% 1,076.8 634.4 69.7% 1 Operating Revenue consists of Raw Water Sales, Industrial Water Sales, and Wastewater Treatment Services. 2 Other Incomes from Utilities Business consists of Excessive
prevention and management of conflicts of interest to be in the same manner with respect to the following matters: (1) Excessive Transactions for Clients shall be in accordance with Chapter 1; (2) Additional
restaurants. "After You” collaborating with “Nestlé Extreme” to Launch “Shibuya Honey Toast Ice Cream” at 7-Eleven stores nationwide In June 2024, the Company collaborated with Nestlé (Thai) Limited to launch