expect this ratio will continue to increase. However, the debt’s policy is maintained by limiting D/E ratio1 at below 1.5 times. Cash Flow During 1Q18, the Company and its subsidiaries had net cash used in
investment decelerated after showing high growth in the fourth quarter of 2018. Even though private consumption continued to expand, growth was concentrated in only certain product categories. Likewise
) Date (Oldest) Microsoft Word - 1_DRAFT_Criteria_Buildings.docx . CBI will continue to expand its coverage of cities through such schemes and partnerships or collaborations with property -related
, improving from 76.1% in 2017 to 78.4% in 2018. Both HR services and Financial services showed positive increase in proportion of recurring income as we continue to expand our customer base for recurring
owners to their target customers with its variety of media services. The Company continues to develop products and services and enlarge the advertising network in order to provide the OOH media end-to-end
”) delivered a revenue of 132.54mb (Q1 2018: 131.45mb), a marginal increase of 1.09mb or 0.8%. For Q1 2019, revenue from HR Solutions contributed to an increase of 2.85mb or 2.7% to our growth year-on-year. On
revenue from sale for Q1/2018 ended March 31, 2018 of Baht 81.01 million, compare with the same period of previous year amount to Baht 73.98 million which increase Baht 7.02 million or 9.49%, which main
kiosk and continue to expand the new customer base through BeWallet. This will make the company’s revenue retain growth.
Limited (“the Company”) reported consolidated operating revenue of THB 428 million in Q3/2024 and THB 1,144 million in 9M/2024, increased by 27% from Q3/2023 and 27% from 9M/2023, respectively. The increase
outside of department stores in order to serve the increasing number of health-conscious consumers. Expanding “Luggaw” to Increase Brand Portfolio Continue to Aim to Grow Internationally The Company