to verify the transactions. This raised doubt whether such transactions were executed as truly intended by the clients. In addition, a certain share transfer from a client account was found to be
transactions with such clients without calling the original number or pursuing any other means to verify the transactions. This raised doubt whether such transactions were executed as truly intended by the
. protection seller CDS; Please note that this is a non-exhaustive list of restricted assets. Hong Kong Covered Management Companies are encouraged to consult the SFC if in doubt on any issues. (As of October
country or jurisdiction specified in the database in Clause 14(3); (2) a corporate client with complex shareholding or functional structures that may raise doubt or difficulty in determining the true
country or jurisdiction specified in the database in Clause 14(3); (2) a corporate client with complex shareholding or functional structures that may raise doubt or difficulty in determining the true
business address is in a country or jurisdiction specified in the database in Clause 14(3); (2) a corporate client with complex shareholding or functional structures that may raise doubt or difficulty in
taking into account the best interest of unit holders. In addition, the applicant shall comply at least with the following criteria: (1) no reasonable doubt of the applicant’s financial position which may
or not complying with any significant approval requirements for the offering of trust unit within the period of 5 years before applying for the offering; (2) pose no reasonable doubt to its ability to
แบบแสดงรายการข้อมูลการเสนอขายหลักทรัพย์ (UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION) Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force, and that this English translation is strictly for reference. 2 Registration Statement for Securities Offering (Form 69-1) Company: .......... (Name of Securities Offeror) ….....… Offers for Sale ....................................................................................................................................................... .................
such assets received from or processed for the member can be clearly identified without any doubt; (4) report the custody of said assets to the relevant member within reasonable time. The derivatives