Asset Value Classified by Asset Management Companies ( 4 record(s) found) No. Report Name Data File As of Data Definition 1 [Private Funds] Number of Private Funds and Net Asset Value Classified by Asset
classify by each funds ( 6 record(s) found) No. Report Name Data File As of Data Definition 1 Net Asset Value of Property Funds classify by each funds June/2023 2 Net Asset Value of Property Funds classify
related party transactions as well as the re-definition of relevant terms to increase clarity and flexibility. In so doing, the SEC refers to international regulatory guidelines and takes into account the
Chapter on Prevention of Unfair Digital Asset Trading Practices [of the Emergency Decree on Digital Asset Businesses B.E. 2561 (2018)] and in line with the definition of the terms prescribed in the
business license before providing the custodial wallet. In this regard, the definition of DA Custodial Wallet Provider may cover deposit or custodial service for all types of DA, including such deposit or
Commission, Thailand (SEC) is seeking public comments on a proposed revision to the principles for supervising digital asset (DA) custodial wallet providers. This would involve an exemption from the definition
third-party “oracles” to supply data – Manipulating prices on outside sites allows attackers to compromise DeFi platforms Regulatory challenges continued • Ignorance and overconfidence of regulators – “We
, covering the risks of various financial instruments and revision to the definition of special debts to encompass additional categories of outstanding debts. The SEC received valuable feedback and
Value of Funds classify by Each Funds ( 12 record(s) found) No. Report Name Data File As of Data Definition 1 Net Asset Value of Infrastructure Funds classify by Each Funds Quarter 2/2023 2 Net Asset
derivatives and structured notes. The revisions include expanding underlying assets of derivatives and SN to cover all investible assets as well as revising SN definition and underlying assets in the category