), rules for mark-to-market a derivatives contract and daily collateral placement between derivatives brokers and derivatives clearing house will be revised to clarify that closing of afternoon session will
), rules for mark-to-market a derivatives contract and daily collateral placement between derivatives brokers and derivatives clearing house will be revised to clarify that closing of afternoon session will
ผู้รับฝากทรัพย์สินไม่ได้ mark to market แต่บริษัทจัดการเป็นผู้ดำเนินการ จึงให้บริษัทจัดการเป็นผู้จัดทำและจัดส่งข้อมูลดังกล่าว เพื่อจะได้ข้อมูลที่สะท้อนมูลค่าทรัพย์สินของกองทุนที่ถูกต้อง รวมถึงทบทวนการเปิด
partnership, Mark Gooding, His Majesty’s Ambassador to Thailand, said: “Financial services are a key driver of the modern economy. We are proud to take another step in our long-time partnership with SEC
of the end of Q3/2017 market value of LAC shares increased, resulting in a profit from the mark to market value increment of asset available for sale of THB 1,632 million, which was recorded in other
million, which is an unrealized loss from mark-to-market price of investment. While in 2017 the company recorded extraordinary gain from reclassification of this investment of Baht 180.56 million. However
Hygienic Medical Service with Knowledge Base Management by Sterilized Sanitation such as advice for skin care, esthetics, cosmetics distribution including related products under trade name, service mark
Knowledge Base Management by Sterilized Sanitation such as advice for skin care, esthetics, cosmetics distribution including related products under trade name, service mark, trade mark “Wuttisak Clinic” of
mark-up price to the customers which new price of R/M and can manage cost by purchase raw materials from OJI group. - Selling and administrative expenses of Q3/2016 was 10.66% of sale, decreased to 8.97
necessary that TSFC immediately disclose information about its financial status which truly reflects mark-to-market value of its assets and liabilities to its creditors and other relevant parties,? said SEC