Bangkok, January 19, 2012 - The SEC has suspended six investor contacts for involving in the share price manipulation of Traffic Corner Holding Plc. (TRAF), currently M Pictures Entertainment Plc
Bangkok, February 19, 2014 - The SEC revealed that the Settlement Committee imposed a fine on {A} in the amount of 25,665,197.13 baht for manipulating share price of Rich Asia Steel Plc. (RICH).{A
Bangkok, June 30, 2011 - The Settlement Committee imposed a fine of B333,333 on Krit Pitimanaaree for aidding or abeeting to share price manipulation of Ascon Contruction Plc. (ASCON) during January
SCB ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Super Savings Fund : SSF | Offering Date : 08/12/2020 - 22/12/2020
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Facebook Page ชื่อ Stock and stock market analysis : Unlicensed securities and derivatives business (Disclosure Date : 22/11/2023)
Earlier, the Civil Sanction Committee (CSC) resolved to impose civil sanctions on six offenders* in the case of manipulating the BM share price, requiring them to make the total payment of 8,001,949
Bangkok, 13 June 2018 ? The SEC has announced that the other six offenders in the share manipulation case against Asset Bright Public Company Limited (ABC) have consented to the civil sanction
, namely Prayuth Lertpinyopap, Naruephol Chatchalermvit and Ladda Ponsuwannapa, with the Department of Special Investigation for involving in share manipulations. The SEC findings revealed reasonable grounds
Bangkok, March 21, 2011- The Criminal Court has sentenced {A} to a fine of 600,000 baht for aiding or abetting the manipulation of the share price of Chai Watana Tannery Group Plc. (CWT).The SEC, on