viewed at . The SEC has developed and launched the “ESG Product Platform” in January this year to be used as a comprehensive and alternative information
information and contact details of service providers. SEC Secretary-General Vorapol Socatiyanurak said with more than 100,000 downloads of its predecessors the SEC developed mobile app ?start-to-invest III? in
access to investment-related information. To fulfill this mission, the SEC developed the "Mutual Funds Insight" microsite to serve as a center of knowledge, services, and tools related to mutual fund
____________________ By virtue of Section 9 and Section 15 of the Trust for Transactions in the Capital Market Act B.E. 2550 (2007), which contain certain provisions relating to restriction of rights and liberties of
’ qualified opinions resulted from limitation on their scope of audit/review. Hence, the auditors were unable to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence with respect to valuation of investment in PT
limitation on examination by the company?s executives regarding the company?s misuse of proceeds received from increase of capital by investing in common shares and warrants of P Plus P Plc. The proceeds used
. Earlier, the SEC notified SINGHA to rectify its 2010 financial statements (submitted to the SEC on February 27, 2012) due to limitation of audit scope by the company?s management causing the auditor to
statements, earlier extended to May 31, 2012. Previously, the SEC ordered PRO to rectify its 2011 financial statements due to the limitation of audit scope by the company?s management on the matters concerning
concerning the limitation of the voting rights and the disclosure requirement over the one-third rule so that asset management companies can disclose such information to investors. The afore-mentioned
independently in accordance with the market condition; (c) The index shall have been developed by a reliable institution which can act independently from the Company. If it appears that such an institution is the