property rights, but the SEC declined such request because the matter was important and could have a material impact on EARTH's financial position and widespread impacts on the shareholders and investors
Company’s Audited Financial Statements for the year 2018 ended 31 December 2018, which has been audited by the auditor, and propose to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (“AGM”) to consider and
documentation; 4 (b) certify that the description in the translated version is actual or true, and the material fact is not concealed. Where whichever language is used for information or documentation submitted
consultation paper can be viewed at the SEC website Stakeholders and the interested public are invited to consider the matter and express their views through the said website or facsimile at 0
interested public are invited to consider the matter and express their views through the said website or facsimile at 0-2263-6291 or e-mail at until August 31, 2009. # # #
such investment. This is to prevent material impacts on the companies’ financial position or operating results as digital asset investment is usually exposed to relatively high risk from price volatility
documents under Paragraph 1 are translated from a foreign language, the foreign entity shall also proceed as follows: (1) certify that the substance of the translated information or documents has truly
accepted accounting standards as, under economic substance view, the loan burden which is transferred to a new debtor is considered a debt restructuring, not a debt repayment. Besides, there is no evidence
accepted accounting standards as, in consideration of economic substance, the loan burden which is transferred to a new debtor is considered a debt restructuring, not a debt repayment. Besides, there is no
: การพิจารณาตราสารดังกล่าว ควรพิจารณาที่ Substance ของตราสารเป็นสำคัญ ดังนั้น แม้ว่าตราสารจะใช้ชื่อว่า Structured Notes แต่เมื่อมี