ห้องภำยใต้สญัญำ เช่ำด ำเนินงำน ได้เปิดให้บริกำรเต็มรูปแบบ การปรับปรุงโรงแรม Vienna House Vienna House Easy Cracow, Vienna House Easy Bucharest, Vienna House Diplomat Prague และ Vienna House Amber Baltic
House hotels completed. The major renovation of Vienna House Easy Cracow, Vienna House Easy Bucharest, Vienna House Diplomat Prague and Vienna House Amber Baltic were completed in 2Q 2019. 24 May 2019
which includes energy drinks in formats of bottles and cans reflect efficiency in management in our new factories from the amber glass bottle factory which is the beginning of the process to canning and
’ Changing Demand After You continues to launch new product with the introduction of “Croffle”, a combination of waffle and croissant pastry, that comes in 5 flavors which are Plain, Noir&Amber, Honey Cheddar
to serve the customers’ needs. The Company offers the CRM activities to collect points for luck and prize redemption in order to increase the frequency of use. The Company is confident that prepaid
increase the frequency of use. The Company is confident that prepaid customers are cash holders. The possibility of change of customer behavior is low. The main factor of change from prepaid to postpaid is
collect points for luck and prize redemption in order to increase the frequency of use. The Company is confident that most prepaid customers are cash holders. The possibility of change of customer behavior
collect points for luck and prize redemption in order to increase the frequency of use. The Company is confident that most prepaid customers are cash holders. The possibility of change of customer behavior
asset. We are confident that these measures will leverage our business performances as a whole and we will grow stronger.
become more confident about debt repayment from debtors. (2) Advance payment for purchased program rights decrease THB 243.39 million or 37.15% because of the payment for reservation in content rights to