ธุรกิจ เช่น สัญญาเช่า สัญญาการใชสิ้ทธิ ประโยชน์ เป็นตน้ - เง่ือนไข และอายขุองสิทธิ - มี hidden asset อ่ืนท่ียงัไม่เปิดเผยหรือไม่ - ผลต่อการด าเนินธุรกิจ - ผลกระทบต่อบริษทั หากสิทธิบตัร สมัปทาน ลิขสิทธ์ิ
, and all facts that should be disclosed are not concealed. The language initially used in the information or document that is submitted to the SEC Office according to this Notification shall be continued
overstated, distortion, or concealed or substantive misleading information; (2) the advertisement shall not urge the client to make a decision to use its services or invest in capital market products ; (3) the
Journey: Memories of The Hidden Place”, which featured an exclusive trip to Thai architectural and historical sites, and “The Symbol of Your Pleasure: BLACK VALENTINE: An Immersive Music Experience” – a
ให้กบัลกูค้า อาทิ กิจกรรม น าชมสถาปัตยกรรมและประวตัิศาสตร์ไทย “The Symbol of Your Journey: Memorable of The Hidden Place” 11 และกิจกรรมมินิคอนเสิร์ตในวนัแห่งความรัก “The Symbol of Your Pleasure: BLACK
หรือเสนอขำยท่ีระบบกำรซ้ือขำยของผู้ประกอบธุรกิจสินทรัพย์ดิจิทัล จะทยอยส่งค ำส่ังเสนอซ้ือหรือเสนอขำยตำมกำรก ำหนดปริมำณในแต่ละคร้ังท่ีส่งค ำส่ังตำมท่ีผู้ลงทุนต้องกำร (Hidden Volume Order) สมุดบันทึกรำยกำ
overstated, distortion, or concealed or substantive misleading information; (2) the advertisement shall not urge the client to make a decision to use its services or invest in capital market products ; (3) the
(UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION) Codified up to No.9 As of 20 February 2017 Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. TorThor. 35/2556 Re: Standard Conduct of Business, Management Arrangement, Operating Systems, and Providing Services to Clients of Securities Companies and Derivatives Intermediaries _____________________________ By virtue of Section 16/6 an...
(UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION) Codified up to No.9 As of 20 February 2017 Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. TorThor. 35/2556 Re: Standard Conduct of Business, Management Arrangement, Operating Systems, and Providing Services to Clients of Securities Companies and Derivatives Intermediaries _____________________________ By virtue of Section 16/6 an...
UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION Codified up to No. 12 As of 14 February 2017 Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. Tor Jor. 49/2555 Re: Issuance and Offer for Sale regarding Units of Real Estate Investment Trust _____________________ By virtue of Section 16/6 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992) as amended by the Securities and Exchange Ac...